Geography Insights: HU - GYO

Quick Stats (Rolling 48 Months)

79Home Players
131All Players
693Winner WPPRs
3,788Total WPPRs
69Geo Rank

Player Personas

This Geo   PersonaInt'l Avg
Those who travel and are ranked in the top 2,500.
Those who travel and are outside the top 2,500.
8%Local Supporters
Those who go to multiple events but don't leave their home geography.
Those who went to one event and haven't (yet) returned.

Tournament Data

This Geo   Event TypeInt'l Avg
Events where 60%+ of the field are WPPRtunists.
Events where 30%+ of the field are Travelers.
0%Local Supporters
Events where 50% of the field are Local Supporters.
Events where 20% of the field are One-Timers.
0%Mixed Personas
All remaining events which indicates a mix of player personas.

Traveler Geographies

In the past 48 months, players who call HU - GYO home like to travel to:

Tournament Sizes

In the past 48 months, tournament sizes in HU - GYO:
Player Count# Events% EventsInt'l Avg

Top Tournaments & Events

In the past 48 months, the top 50 events in HU - GYO:
58705Hungarian Championship Series Fi 2023-02 Traveler 102.84 56
66868Alkonyzona Flipperverseny 2023-10 Traveler 64.26 51
58664Alkonyzona Versenysorozat IV. fo 2023-04 Traveler 50.53 39
58663Alkonyzona Versenysorozat III. f 2023-03 Traveler 50.06 40
57335Alkonyzona Versenysorozat I. for 2023-01 Traveler 47.50 40
57343BETON Happy New Year 2023-01 Traveler 41.69 39
54169Alkonyzona Flipperverseny 2022-10 Traveler 34.59 60
63120Bikini flipper 2023-06 Traveler 33.79 37
66867Alkonyzona Flipper Verseny - Sid 2023-10 Traveler 27.74 41
58660Alkonyzona Versenysorozat Side 2023-02 Traveler 27.67 47
45477Alkonyzóna Flipperverseny 2021-10 Traveler 22.47 47
54165Alkonyzona Flipper Verseny - Sid 2022-10 Traveler 21.96 37
43762MCFC Official 2021-09 Traveler 20.84 39
49156Husveti Flipper 2022-04 Traveler 18.28 32
58659Alkonyzona Versenysorozat Side 2023-03 Traveler 17.37 28
47726Alkonyzona Versenysorozat 2022-02 WPPRtunist 16.17 28
47725Alkonyzona Versenysorozat 2022-03 Traveler 15.96 30
57336Alkonyzona Versenysorozat Side 2023-01 Traveler 14.84 28
58661Alkonyzona Versenysorozat Side 2023-04 Traveler 14.74 22
47727Alkonyzona Versenysorozat 2022-04 Traveler 13.92 30
46943Alkonyzona Versenysorozat 2022-01 Traveler 13.41 26
57342BETON Happy New Year - Side 2023-01 Traveler 13.08 23
49154Husveti Flipper - Side 2022-04 WPPRtunist 9.71 18

Top Players

In the past 48 months, the top 50 players in HU - GYO:
IDPlayer NameRankPersonaPointsEvents
83640Ferenc Csaplovits 107 WPPRtunist 304.89 22
32979Laszlo Fehervary 497 WPPRtunist 274.19 19
29726Zsolt Mészáros 179 WPPRtunist 242.55 13
21734Bálint Scholtz 117 WPPRtunist 212.08 16
11659Tamas Odler 234 WPPRtunist 209.68 20
5588Gabor Solymosi 110 WPPRtunist 207.71 6
11657György Kovács 236 WPPRtunist 200.92 15
63238Erik Palfi 193 WPPRtunist 163.86 23
27371Sághy Kálmán 518 WPPRtunist 160.67 19
6601Szabo Istvan 326 WPPRtunist 143.14 14
6604Sandor Varga 349 WPPRtunist 129.14 19
14265Balázs Pálfi 223 WPPRtunist 117.04 23
83642Zoltan Pataki 1350 WPPRtunist 97.73 15
20909Valter Odler 133 WPPRtunist 97.38 20
2033Boldizsár Botka 222 WPPRtunist 91.87 10
6602Peter Boncza 1958 WPPRtunist 62.17 9
23197Piller Zsolt 761 WPPRtunist 61.98 6
29725Péter András Simon 548 WPPRtunist 60.11 7
5593Zoltan Zsifkovits 1981 WPPRtunist 57.33 4
35235Andras Horvath 2950 Traveler 45.97 14
80151Tamas Vary 1156 WPPRtunist 41.66 14
57958Attila Horvath 4579 Local Supporter 37.18 13
83641Gyorgy Lukacs 2569 Traveler 34.55 13
6613Florian Horvath 3638 Traveler 31.80 14
21729Zoltán Dósa 2532 Traveler 28.18 9
94194Julia Palfi 2077 WPPRtunist 24.92 16
16100János Sándor 1210 WPPRtunist 23.93 5
96327László Kassai 3357 Traveler 23.92 11
78952Arpad Vary 2486 WPPRtunist 23.53 13
84873Csaba Szaboky 2318 WPPRtunist 23.10 5
83643Gyorgy Kamaras 1103 WPPRtunist 22.25 17
21745Gábor Vanderer 2047 WPPRtunist 20.93 8
80150Denes Szalay 4232 Traveler 20.19 18
4793Péter Szamosi 3148 Traveler 19.38 17
81680Jozsef Romhanyi 2584 Traveler 18.95 19
85708Zoltán Bognár 4393 Traveler 18.59 10
88372Zoltan Gyebroczky 2426 WPPRtunist 18.37 13
750Laszlo Horn 647 WPPRtunist 17.24 3
43277Zsolt Csiszka 2200 WPPRtunist 17.09 8
43279Balint Olah 4678 Traveler 16.91 10
85709Géza Marics 7587 Local Supporter 16.89 11
85711László Bugledits 3570 Traveler 16.43 12
21739János Dakos 3280 Traveler 15.19 4
63239Csaba Virag 5235 Traveler 14.55 12
60974Ferenc Fruhvald 2046 WPPRtunist 14.51 13
23199Attila Abonyi 4377 Traveler 14.19 15
48005Török Antal 2434 WPPRtunist 12.93 4
61398Csaba Barath 3731 Traveler 12.16 5
93466Peter Prah 2348 WPPRtunist 11.90 10
67062Alex Berta 6335 Traveler 11.27 7


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Code Version 2.0.0
Data Extracted Through: 2024-03-29
Database Last Refreshed: 2024-02-25

Notes and Acknowledgements